Wednesday, July 23, 2008

swirly colors

My head has been swirling lately. Been taking T for 8 weeks now and sometimes it seems as if nothing has changed. Except I know that it has. I am still in the in between however, being called sir and ma'am in the same breath by waiters. Some kid stuck her hear in my office and asked if I was a boy or a girl. I think transitioning in a small town where I am known by a lot of people will be harder, or at least weirder, than I thought. I was at the grocery store buying an apple for lunch when an old acquaintance walked up to me and said, "I don't know why you are doing this." I said something about lunch and liking apples. She said, no becoming a guy. Then she said we should have lunch some time and walked off. As a friend pointed out to me these things mean the T is working. I guess it is a subtle thing. My head is in fast forward mode and reality plays on in normal time. I have been being way casual at work and with friends about remembering the name change and getting the pronouns changed. I didn't want to make folks worry about making mistakes. Shit I generally stumble a few times with friends' name changes. But I think I may need to reiterate, restate the importance it has for me. I don't know. Work....the board of trustees hired a new director last night. None of the staff has met her yet, but I think we are all excited to shed the extra work we have been doing these last few months. Hopefully the new director will be able to pick it all up fairly quickly. It has been stressful. Genius boy had a great idea of matching the limits allowed for check out to a sort of karma based system. Normally, for example, a patron can check out 3 DVDs, however if they check out materials on a regular basis and return the items in a timely manner, pay fines timely and such they could check out more than 3. Conversely if they often have trouble with the lending rules, perhaps they can only borrow 2. It is an interesting idea we are kicking around anyway. So my goal for the week is to get in my wee little brain the responses for these questions about transitioning. Gotta let go of my fear... hell I don't know what I'm scared of exactly. Just sort of out of sorts.