Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring?! Shit, I was just getting ready to hibernate for the winter!

Ramblings - I have been tuning out lately, letting the buzz and noise of others pass me by while I calmly stick my head in the sand. Are we there yet? Heck, were we going some place? I just feel overwhelmed. I saw a shrink the other day, got a note saying I can have hormones, and now get to see another doctor for some more hoop jumping and then I get what I want (I hope). I have learned through this process that I am NOT a good hoop jumper. I am tired. Looking to the brighter side, I think I am almost done. I am headed off to another conference - the whole staff is going! We are closing the library while the 6 of us go down to Pueblo. I am presenting both gaming and open source. It should be fun. The 2 yr. old that I live with has started to correct both her mom's pronoun errors. Not that L & D make many errors, but Emma correcting them is quite a hoot! I have almost caught up on all the cataloging that has piled up since the library automated! Moved a whole full cart out this week!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

little kids are so darn cute

so this kid, maybe 10 years old, asks, "How much does it cost to print something off the computer?" Mary explains the first 5 pages are free and the rest are 20 cents a page. He looks shocked and disgusted, "20 cents! dang! No wonder this is such a nice library!" I am STILL laughing

Monday, April 7, 2008

And another one done

Just got back from another conference. I did well. I co-presented gaming in libraries with Judy and it was a success. We also co-presented open source and things went quite well. 2 1/2 weeks until the next one. I think I got the gear strategy worked out. If I could figure out the sound with out taking the stereo it would be much much more manageable!! There must be a way to run the Wii sound through a laptop! Ahh well, it shall be a quest. Tomorrow I head off to see the therapist...