Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring?! Shit, I was just getting ready to hibernate for the winter!

Ramblings - I have been tuning out lately, letting the buzz and noise of others pass me by while I calmly stick my head in the sand. Are we there yet? Heck, were we going some place? I just feel overwhelmed. I saw a shrink the other day, got a note saying I can have hormones, and now get to see another doctor for some more hoop jumping and then I get what I want (I hope). I have learned through this process that I am NOT a good hoop jumper. I am tired. Looking to the brighter side, I think I am almost done. I am headed off to another conference - the whole staff is going! We are closing the library while the 6 of us go down to Pueblo. I am presenting both gaming and open source. It should be fun. The 2 yr. old that I live with has started to correct both her mom's pronoun errors. Not that L & D make many errors, but Emma correcting them is quite a hoot! I have almost caught up on all the cataloging that has piled up since the library automated! Moved a whole full cart out this week!

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