Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Personal vs speaking up

There are a lot of volunteers at the library. Mostly they are older; mostly they don't stay more than a few months. There are exceptions. Two ladies - we call them the Cover Girls - faithfully come in once a week and cover all the books. They have been volunteering for two years. They started as a commitment for Lent. Yeah Lent. One is the mother, and the other her daughter. The mother is in her 70's, the daughter in her 50's. They refer to me as she, and I hadn't said anything. So yesterday when the new elderly couple wanted to volunteer and cover books came in to learn how from the Cover Girls - it felt like a train wreck. The elderly couple read me as male, the Cover Girls kept saying she and correcting them. The older man was visibly confused, I think he thought they were all referring to different people. The part I don't understand is how I did nothing. Seriously. I just sat there ignoring it all. My face felt flushed and I don't think I could have spoken. After they left, the staff and I were sort of joking about it. The assistant director said to me that I needed to deal with it. Buck up and just tell the Cover Girls. Then we joked about how it might give the mother a stroke or heart attack. Then we joked about how religious they are. I have never felt so much like a damn chicken shit. I have been thinking about it all night. I mean I am a fairly open person, I am fairly outgoing. I have no fucking idea why I find this so intensely personal. I mean, hell, I am blogging about it...on the world wide web for heaven sakes. I feel fine answering questions about my transition most of the time. It's the walking up to basic strangers and slight acquaintances and starting the conversation that just freaks my shit. Correcting peoples pronoun usage or saying something like, "um.. so yeah, I used to be female, but I am not any more." is all it would really take. Yet I find myself sitting there, choked up and beet red. I have never felt so lame in the personal accountability department. I thought at first it was fear of being fired or something, but I really don't think that would happen anymore. It's just fear. I find that unacceptable. So I guess I just gotta pony up. No one else will respect the pronouns if I can't. So next week I will possibly shock an old lady. I'll live...hope she does.


Judy Van Acker said...

God Kieran, this one really made me chuckle. You can do it! And, Cover Girl Lady will live - I promise. :)

Unknown said...

The public pronoun thing may be one of the most under-appreciated difficulties of being trans! But in my experience, the older folk are generally more open that we might think. They've probably seen at least some semi-thoughtful episodes of Oprah on trans issues. It may even be an old-fashioned stubborn-politeness of "until he tells us drectly and tells us different, we'll keep using the pronouns we know."

If they aren't accepting or refuse to change their use of the pronouns, perhaps just start using the wrong pronouns for them as well! Best of luck!