Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What planet am I on?

So I am OFFICIALLY having one of those days. I am not even sure where to start. The middle - I'll start in the middle (the beginning is overrated). So G (co-worker) says that the board member said, "I don't even really think we need a director, N (other board member) does all the work" I pound my head on the nearest book. I ask if the board member is still here in the building and head off like Don Quixote. Yeah, I am a dumb shit. This is not a new thing. This is why I walked from LA to NY and from NY to the Nevada Nuclear test site; an undying optimism that if I just explain the obvious to people, they will change their thinking. Right. (If it is any consolation to people reading this I am beginning to become a jaded optimist) So I say to the board member, "What exactly did you say to G (my co worker)? Because I want to hear it directly." She repeats it verbatim. I say, "I want a director, granted I want one who does her job, and, by the way, what is it that the board does, I mean you all canceled the long term planning committee, so obviously you don't have any vision for the library." - yeah - god dang I am a dumb shit. "How not to win friends and influence people" by Kieran. Oh well, I said it and, honestly, I meant it...the delivery might have been a bit rough. So now in the story where I have the board member cornered - up comes the current (but leaving) director, who starts yelling at the board member what a lousy job the board does and how N (the other board member) is a piece. Ever so glad I am standing there - not! The 'leaving' director stomps off and I thank the board member for her time (well what the fuck else was I suppose to say?!) See - it all started this morning when the lady at the post office asked if I had a cold because my voice sounded deeper - and I though - sure WTF I will come out as transgender. Heh, not a bad idea per se, but not a brilliant plan on my part. She says but I thought you were a boy lesbian. "A what?", I say . "You know with gay people - there is a girl one and a boy one in each pair." (Some days it doesn't pay to get up in the morning.) So I explain how that isn't necessarily how gay and lesbian people see it and how sexual identity and gender identity are different. She just stares at me with that 'you-are-speaking-a-foreign-language' look. I talk for a few minutes - then she says, 'well I just thought you had a cold' I leave. I get to work and there is a regular patron who wants to talk to me about the directorship. It was a 'why don't you try for it?' moment and I explained how the board asked for someone with a master's degree and how I don't have one and how I didn't think it would be a good idea right now anyway. We start to talking and he says he heard I an taking testosterone to change my gender and he says, "I wish you would have talked to me first. Being male isn't a good thing right now. Especially a white man. It is like reverse discrimination." "What? white men are discriminated against?" I say. Yes he says. OH FOR GOD FUCKING SAKES! You have GOT to be kidding me. I don't know what to say. Really, of all the crap that could be said about FTM, really?! The part I didn't think about until I walked away was how the hell did he know I was transitioning? guess it doesn't matter. Maybe it is the full moon pulling the tide of everyone's brains. I need a beer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Ouch! Does not sound like a very healthy leadership/political situation you're in the middle of. That sucks. My humble advice - keep your head down, do your work studiously, and be as creative and positive as possible within those confines. If the situation doesn't improve in a reasonable amount of time, go elsewhere, someplace where you can thrive as a professional.

As for the patron encounter - be prepared for EVERYONE you come out to to automatically (and unconsciously in most cases) insert/impose their own worldview, biases and issues onto your situation and life. It's human nature I suppose. Peace and harmony,
