Sunday, November 16, 2008

5 1/2 months of Testosterone

Well, this last shot of testosterone seems to have kicked in the growth of body hair. My stomach and chest have gotten hairy. I looked at some older photos of myself, comparing them to now, and I can see some changes. Yes, changes other than the junior high-esque mustache! I guess, because I see myself everyday (or because I see myself in my head - like what I think I look like rather than what I may or may not actually look like) I hadn't really paid attention to or seen the changes. I am always me as far as I am concerned! However, my face looks squarer, brow heaver, less cheek more jaw or something. I haven't really noticed any changes in my mood or temperament, but again I may be too close to notice for sure. I do seem to require more alone time than I used to, but it is hard to know. 13 shots so far - every two weeks. I am anxious to start the process of having my breasts removed. I have never had any sort of major surgery before... other than wisdom teeth removed. I would however like to stop having to bind my breasts every frigging morning! It just isn't comfortable - physically or mentally. Guess I should start saving my money up for a surgery! I was at a library conference in Denver last week. I was pleasantly surprised when I ran into a casual acquaintance who introduced me to some other folks using my new name and 'he' pronouns. I didn't even know he knew. Gossip must travel farther and wider than I guessed! I was kinda grateful. I know I need to find ways to say to people "hey i am 'he' now" in some fashion or's just sort of hard. It was nice to just talk about library stuff with him and his friends rather than to have to start a conversation about me being transgender.

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