Saturday, September 20, 2008

Right this way Sir-ma'am

Judy wants me to blog her mistakes. We are traveling to two library conferences this week and doing a lot of talking and introducing ourselves. She feels guilty for getting my name and gender wrong. I keep telling her it's ok. She is making an effort and gets it right 80% of the time. [She says she gets it right 50% of the time and that me saying 80 is generous.] I think, as Jennifer Finney Boylan wrote 'unlearning is hard'. It has been interesting traveling out of the small town where most everyone knows me. I have been 'sir' to most all clerks, flight attendants and waitresses. Kinda nice. I even used the public men's room. Weird little things that make me happy. Passing is a weird thing. It is nice to be seen as I feel. Now I just need to figure out what being a man means in this world and in my head and heart.

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