Thursday, August 14, 2008

History of my world, part 2.

Physical transformations (if ya don't wanna know, don't read it) This morning was the 7th shot....week 14. Two days after each shot I feel like something changes. I wake up and poof there is hair somewhere or or something like that. The first thing I noticed after my very first shot was clitoral grow. Sure as shit that thing grew! It was almost uncomfortable honestly. Definitely had me squirming. 12 weeks into this and my clit is about the same length as the tip of my thumb to the first knuckle, and about as wide as my thumb. I never measured it before testosterone, so I can't tell you how much it grew – and I don't think it is done growing. I have always been practically hairless. Light colored fine hair on my arms and legs. I never shaved my legs – it was never necessary and not something expected in my peer group. Now I have noticed the hair on my whole body is slightly different. It seems to be longer than it used to be. There also seems to be more of it growing in....probably noticeable only to myself. There is hair on my face, a lame little junior high mustache. After the third shot, my skin was suddenly greasy. I have very dry skin normally. Since then I have had a few zits, but not much. I have had more energy and I feel stronger – not that I could lift more necessarily but like I can carry Emma around longer before my arm is tired – lucky Emma! I also have noticed more definition on certain muscles – again probably noticeable only to me. As far as my voice goes, it was about 8 weeks into it when I kinda felt like my voice sounded rougher. As if I had been shouting at a concert all night or something, but not sore. It was also that week that one of the people I live with called me on the phone and didn't recognize my voice because it sounded deeper. Of course everyone in town just asked if I had bronchitis or a cold!

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